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(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, May 26, 2015 ) Pittsburgh, PA -- A recent study conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at University of Washington has discovered that women's alcohol consumption has become a problem. According to the study women's drinking behaviors are becoming more troublesome, although the the nation's overall drinking rate remains flat. Rates of heavy drinking and binge drinking among women have risen dramatically all across the nation, especially in some counties in the city of Pittsburgh.
According to the study, for a woman heavy drinking is characterized by consuming more than one alcoholic beverage per day, over a span of 30 days. Binge drinking has been classified as women consuming a minimum of four alcoholic beverages on a minimum of one occasion within a span of 30 days.
Joe Cvitokic, a psychologist and director of behavioral health care at Jefferson Hospital-Allegheny Health Network stated ""I've seen that, particularly in college-age women -- college students -- and even young professionals." Cvitokic attributes most college women's drinking habits due to boredom and trying to keep up with their college peers. Young professional women's drinking can be attributed to their increased exposure to alcohol during social events, as well as during travel.
Researchers from this study stated that they "found that increases in heavy and binge drinking prevalence in recent years have tended to be larger for women than for men, although women have not yet caught up to men in terms of current prevalence. These findings call for interventions intended specifically to address this increase among women."
The rise of heaving drinking in women of Pittsburgh poses a serious public health threat. Data revealed that heavy drinking among women in Allegheny County increased over 37 percent between 2005 and 2012. Heavy drinking and binge drinking can create serious health issues including alcohol related car accidents and prevalence of various cancers and diseases.
A medical associate from Drug Rehab Pittsburgh expresses concern in her statement, "It is important that we help decrease heavy drinking and binge drinking across the world, and especially here in Pittsburgh. Sometimes people misconstrue their heavy drinking as "social drinking", however there's a vast difference between the two. Social drinking is acceptable, however heavy drinking and binge drinking are very dangerous and can lead to serious health issues. As a nation we need to take the initiative to raise awareness about the differences between social drinking, heavy drinking, and binge drinking. With increased awareness I believe that people will be more aware of their drinking habits and able to prevent developing a drinking problem."
Drug Rehab Pittsburgh offers a comprehensive alcohol rehab in Pittsburgh, PA. The facility specializes in providing recovering addicts with innovative and affordable drug and alcohol addiction treatment services. Drug Rehab Pittsburgh understands that all addictions should not be treated the same, and provides each patient with an individualized treatment plan. The 24/7 medically supervised facility allows patients to recover in luxury amidst a tranquil and healing environment.
For additional information on the drug and alcohol rehab services available at Drug Rehab Pittsburgh, visit their website at http://drugrehabpittsburgh.net/ or call the center directly at (412) 444-7232.
About Drug Rehab Pittsburgh: Drug Rehab Pittsburgh is one of the leading drug and alcohol rehab center in Pittsburgh, PA. The center specializes in treating a multitude of substance addictions including drug addiction and alcohol addiction. The rehab center is housed in a 24/7 state of the art facility which allows patients to recover in safety and luxury.
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Source: EmailWire.Com
Source: EmailWire.com
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