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(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, July 21, 2015 ) Johannesburg -- The information officer of Friends of Ice man shared the properties found in the skin cooling gel. He comments, "the skin gel contains a variety of potent herbs. The chief ingredient, menthol is a local anaesthetic that can suppress mild pain. Some people refer to the gel as the arnica cooling gel because, among its ingredients a famous plant extract of arnica that has an anti-inflammation property."
He explained that the skin cooling gel for muscle pain is a very effective gel for pain relief. The gel can be applied by people with arthritis, gout, minor bruises, aches, muscle pain, sunburn, and joint pain. The gel can also be used on horses. It was formulated by the legendary Bill Quinn in 1996 and now is the number one pain reliever in South Africa.
"The Iceman skin cooling gel has been prepared to permeate through the surface of the skin replacing the pain signals with a cooling sensation. A great benefit of Iceman is that it causes dilation within the blood vessels that carry blood to the joints, this increases the blood flow and inevitably reduces swelling," the information officer stated.
He mentioned that the late Bill Quin, a Gauteng Biochemist and inventor of Iceman, first noticed that horse grooms were always using large amounts of water, when cooling down after a lot of rigorous activities. "A eureka moment of absolute brilliance rained down upon him and it was then he decided to develop the Iceman cooling gel. After extensive research on the properties of various herbs that are known to cool down the skin he was able to formulate the now well-known H8000 extract." He also stated the effects of the gel. "The H 8000 extract, when applied to the skin, provides the same cooling effects and benefits as water. The gel should however never be covered by bandages immediately after application. The 'cooling effect' allows and promotes blood circulation to damaged or strained muscle tissue. The Iceman cooling gel for horses and muscle pain is available at leading Dischem and Clicks stores nationwide."
Friends of Ice man proudly sponsors many sports initiatives and sporting teams in South Africa. Friends of Iceman recently sponsored the SA Junior Vaulting Team on the 28th of June with 150 500g Iceman tubs. The public relations officer, of the Junior Vaulting team, said, "Our Junior Vaulting Squad, train rigorously and tirelessly and use ice man from head to toe.
It targets and soothes the muscle aches and strains felt by both vaulter and steed. It provides speedy relieve and is a non-greasy formula which means no sticky mess! There isn't a competition that you won't find Iceman in our camp. Even the supporters use it for the stress tension. Our Iceman will be going as far Netherlands come August thanks to the support from Iceman."
He added, "A hearty thank you from, the Dragon Challenge and the vaulting team. When we asked for assistance, you and your team jumped in with no questions asked. Our competitors were over the moon to have received the Iceman cooling gel in their goodies bags and prizes. Without your support, the event wouldn't have been possible.
We had 23 Teams that entered and competed. Teams came from as far Klerksdorp. Crossfit Klerksdorp came and supported our cause in some serious numbers and were super stoked to receive cooling gel from yourselves as they too often have injuries. I can't thank you enough and hope that we will have lasting support from Iceman in the future. Among other pain relieving gels friends of Ice man herbal cooling gel is our favourite." For more information visit http://friendsoficeman.co.za
About Friends of Ice Man: The Friends of Ice man gel is the number one cooling gel in South Africa. It was formulated by Bill Quin in 1996. The gel can be applied on horses and humans and it is the best pain reliever for diverse challenges such as arthritis, minor bruises, aches, muscle pain and joint pain. When applied to the skin, it provides the same cooling benefit as water.
Friends of Ice Man
Asuya Pemba
011 706 27 20
Source: EmailWire.Com
Source: EmailWire.com
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