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(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, October 12, 2015 ) Portland, OR -- Drones: Trains, Planes, and Drones Use Remote Control: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021. Next generation drones leverage better technology, launching from ships anywhere. The technology is evolving better navigation, softer landings, longer flights, better ability to carry different payloads.
The drones are able to achieve military and commercial tasks. They have been evolving airfreight delivery systems capability. They are used for surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence missions. They do 3D mapping, commercial pipeline observation, border patrol, package delivery, photography, and agriculture. These are more energy efficient, last longer and have a significantly lower cost of operation than manned aircraft.
The use of Drone technology to control moving devices remotely extends the notion of drones, creating a larger potential drone market. Military drones will make every navy ship an aircraft carrier. They can be launched from anywhere, not needing an airfield.
Drone unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology has reached a level of maturity that has put these systems at the forefront of aerospace manufacturing. Procurement around the world is adapting to drone availability. Use in the global war on terrorism has demonstrated unique usefulness for military intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and communications relay.
Remote operation occurs in a control tower. The control tower knew for ten minutes that the Germanwings flight was headed for disaster and could do nothing about it, the same was true during the airliner participation in the 911 terrorist bombings. What this study is about is control towers that have the ability to stop trains, planes, and control drones.
Control towers are set to become a way of life and drones light the way. Other technologies will follow. If a train is approaching a curve at 100 miles per hour when it should be going 50 miles per hour, there in the future there will be a way to remotely take over the train and slow it or stop it.
If a plane is hijacked, if there is a bad guy in the pilot’s seat, then in the future, the control tower will take over the plane. Drones lead the way in this regard. Drones provide a way to permit a plane to enter an airspace and to be controlled remotely. It is the drone technology that will be adopted by the trains and planes in the future of control tower expansion.
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In this study, we illustrate how drones achieve doing work even though they are remotely controlled. Remote operation of trains is now possible. A speeding train can be stopped by trained staff watching remotely. The rules for this have yet to be fully implemented.
According to Susan Eustis, leader of the team that prepared the study, “Quantities of fielded military and commercial systems of every size and description are set to increase. Every ship can become an aircraft carrier with drones, every commercial endeavor can be made to operate more efficiently with drones. Police departments, the oil and gas industry, border patrol, and utilities are all using commercial drones. Units are used for agriculture. Vendors continue to improve the capabilities of drone aircraft. Governments continue to improve the rules and regulations controlling drones. Their ability to support the military and commercial endeavors is increasing. Unmanned aircraft have fundamentally changed the accuracy of utility and oil and gas inspections. The drones are set to fundamentally change how agriculture is conducted.” the most efficient and cost-effective way. Without a pilot aboard, the return trip is optional. Light weight is central to UAV design.
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James Jordan
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Source: EmailWire.Com
Source: EmailWire.com
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