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(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 20, 2015 ) Monroe, NJ -- With the increased use of cell phones, tablets, and other small electronic devices, many companies began selling portable battery charger to meet the needs of this growing market. Portable chargers range in size, battery strength, outputs, etc., which can make it a daunting task for consumers to choose the ideal charger that meets the needs of their daily lives. Unfortunately, there are companies that misdirect customers with inaccurate product information, such as battery capacities, safety issues, etc. This confusion has lead to China's implementation of a mandatory national standard of battery chargers, which goes into effect on August 1, 2015.
The lack of standards within this market has lead to chaotic activity that poses a threat to consumers. For example, dysfunctional portable chargers have been reported to have melted parts, leaking batteries, conduct smoke, catch on fire and cause minor property damage after chargers overheated. The implementation of the mandatory national standard will be a positive response to eradicating these dangerous occurrences in the future.
According to WantChinaTimes.com, who referenced the 2014 China Portable Charger Report: "The market scale was 3.4 billion yuan (US$548 million) in 2011; 5.8 billion yuan (US$934 million) in 2012; and grew to 10.5 billion yuan (US$1.69 billion) in 2013; and 16.5 billion yuan (US$2.66 billion) in 2014. The market cap is projected to be 22 billion (US$3.5 billion) this year, with a 51.72% growth and will reach 32 billion yuan (US$5.16 billion) in 2016."
The number of charger manufacturers fell from 5,000 in previous years to around 500 at the end of 2014, which was the result of China's portable battery charger became more integrated. When the mandatory national standard goes into effect, many speculate that the amount of portable charger companies will drastically decrease from 5,000 to as low as 20-30. While this is just an estimation, these new standards are an attempt to not only restore order in the portable charger market, but also to eliminate any possibility of false product claims and product malfunctions that are out of the ordinary.
About PermaCharger
PermaCharger was created to facilitate the daily hustle and bustle of people's lives. Consumers no longer have to worry about a compromised battery life and limited charging options. portable phone charger will keep small devices fully charged so they can be used for every day tasks. PermaCharger is confident in its high quality products, strives for 100% customer satisfaction, and is proud of its customer service.
Alicia Murphy
Source: EmailWire.Com
Source: EmailWire.com
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