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(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, October 12, 2015 ) San Francisco, CA -- Crowdfunding marketing promotion company has announced the launch of a new set of tools designed to generate traffic and backers for crowdfunding projects. Kickstarter project creators can look forward to video promotion software that will allow them to generate high quality professional videos in less than 10 minutes. The new video spinner also allows for slide rotation which will make every video unique and allow the Kickstarter project to get traffic for a variety of keywords.
Another new crowdfunding promotion tool provides project creators with social network "listeners". These listeners are set to listen for particular keywords and report back to the project creator. This allows the user to participate with people who are already talking about the solutions that the Kickstarter project provides. This allows project creators an instant and laser targeted audience to promote their projects and solutions.
CrowdMonsters is responsible in the participation of several successful Kickstarters such as Verve and Smart Power, as well as several Android applications and games. The company has recently changed their focus from crowdfunding promotion services to do-it-yourself crowdfunding promotion tools.
The company has recently developed a customized Facebook audience based on what category their connected Facebook profile has shown a preference for backing. By gathering these profiles and categorizing them, CrowdMonsters has found an instant solution for getting targeted products in front of targeted backers. They hope to release this targeted advertising service in the 1st quarter of 2016.
The company recently launched their free as well as premium crowdfunding promotion tools on their website, with new additions and resources added weekly. They have also added tutorials and published a downloadable guide showing step-by-step some of the top traffic generating Kickstarter methods.
About CrowdMonsters CF: Crowdmonsters is a crowdfunding promotion company repsonsible for the successful backing of multiple projects. Traditionally focused on targeting backers for games and Android applications, the service now serves a broader audience.
CrowdMonsters CF
Eric Nelson
Source: EmailWire.Com
Source: EmailWire.com
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