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(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, October 12, 2015 ) Springfield, Virginia (VA) -- To better market and advertise their kids doctor set Play Basics has decided to revise their Amazon sales copy. The original sales copy failed to properly address obvious problems that the kids doctor set can obviously solve. The original sales copy was directed to addressing broad problems and did not properly associate the toy with a practical solution to identifiable problems or everyday issues. For example, it addressed the desires of children, particularly the toys that they yearn for and that the demand for certain popular toys may be misleading. The original copy presented a solution by merely listing features of Play Basics' kids doctor set. The content of the copy did not attempt to evoke an emotion in the reader.
The CEO of Play Basics has studied copy writing and revised the sales copy to more accurately highlight the benefits of the toy. One way in which this is accomplished is by framing the features of the kids doctor set as practical solutions to commonplace problems or nuisances. This approach allows the reader to visualize exactly how the product will improve his or her life. It may evoke an emotional response that results in a conversion and therefore a sale. This approach attempts to form an natural human connection with the reader so that he or she may come to understand the true value of the toy which greatly increases the likelihood that the reader will click on ‘Add to Cart' and follow through with a purchase.
One hurdle with copy-writing on Amazon is the space constraint put into place by Amazon. The description portion of a listing on Amazon can only include text that is no more than 2000 characters long. The crafty CEO of Play Basics managed to incorporate two problems and solutions within the limited space. The results were immediately noticed as sales of the kids doctor set increased almost instantly.
About Play Basics
Play Basics which is based in Springfield, Virginia, is a booming company that caters to the imagination of children by introducing captivating children's products.
Play Basics
Sam Aaron
Source: EmailWire.Com
Source: EmailWire.com
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