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Research Has Shown That Prescription Drug Abuse Is Declining, However Heroin Use Is Increasing

 Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Boston, MA(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 28, 2015 ) Boston, MA -- Marc Larochelle and members from Boston Medical Center and Harvard Medical School have collected and evaluated insurance records for 31 million people between the years 2012 and 2013. The records were evaluated...


The State of Massachusetts Is Being Plagued By the Heroin Overdose Epidemic

 (IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 27, 2015 ) Boston, MA.-- The state police in Massachusetts have reported over 200 suspected heroin overdose deaths since the start of 2015. According to the statistics provided by Massachusetts state police, there have been around 70 suspected heroin overdose deaths monthly...


Recovery Facilities in Boston Are Becoming Overcrowded With Patients

 Addiction Treatment Center in Boston, MA(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 25, 2015 ) Boston, MA -- Despite an opioid epidemic spreading rampantly across the New England region, there are a lack of available beds in treatment facilities. Local emergency departments have been taking initiative to pick up some...


Grateful Miami Video Marketing Expert Gives Away $10,000 Of Marketing to Local Business

 Miami Video MarketingMiami Video Marketing(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Miami, Florida -- Miami-based Video Marketing Strategist, Rey Perez, will be showing his appreciation for the blessings he has experienced during his 15 years of successful video marketing in South Florida by hosting a...


New Video Motion Pro Software Makes Video Creation a Breeze by Josh Ratta

 Video Motion Pro Video Motion Pro 2 Video Motion Pro StarterVideo Motion Pro Premium(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Philadelphia Pa -- "Video Creation & Editing in the past has been difficult and hard. It requires dedicated expensive computers, very high end software with a steep learning curve....


World Telecom Services - Markets & Players Research Report Share

 Market Research Reports(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Albany, NY -- Researchmoz presents this most up-to-date research on World Telecom Services - Markets & Players - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 - 2019Researchmoz presents this most up-to-date research on...


Enterprise Search Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2013 - 2019

 Market Research Reports(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Albany, NY -- ResearchMoz announces that it has published a new study Global Enterprise Search Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2013 - 2019 Enterprise search is defined as the technique of making...


Advanced Digital PCR Detection Methods to Guarantee Better Clinical Results

 (IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Albany, NY -- The aim of the research publication is to provide an extensive market overview and product portfolio including more information on product offerings. Maximum revenue is generated from the sales of dPCR products which include dPCR instruments and dPCR...


Grab Ipoq Selfie Stick At 15% Discount On Amazon From Today

   (IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 23, 2015 ) Las Vegas, Nevada -- For all selfie lovers, there could not be a better time to visit and shop on marketplace. A 3-day sale for the Ipoq self shooting monopod has been launched by Nordic WP company on the world's biggest online shopping platform Amazon....


Unwrought Nickel Markets in Americas to 2018 - Industry Size, Trends and Forecasts Share

 Market Research Reports(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Albany, NY -- Researchmoz presents this most up-to-date research on Unwrought Nickel Markets in Americas to 2018. This industry report package offers the most up-to-date market data on the actual market situation, trends, and future outlook...


User Friendly Differences Between Amazon Seller Central USA And Europe Affect Sales

   Rap Video(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 23, 2015 ) Dublin, Ireland -- Significant differences in user experience between Amazon seller central USA and Europe affect sales according to a report released today. A professional online selling company sells a number of products in partnership with Amazon...


US Prepaid Wireless Market Analysis and Forecast 2013 - 2018 |

 Market Research Reports(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 24, 2015 ) Albany, NY -- Prepaid wireless moved beyond the credit challenged market only a long time ago and has become main stream for many segments including the cost conscious user. For many, prepaid wireless is a hassle free, simple, less expensive...


Opportunity Knocks On Genie Best's Door

(IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 23, 2015 ) Burlington, Ontario -- Genie Best, an online store of premium home and kitchen products in North America today announced its product expansion on They pride themselves on offering 100% safe, easy-to-use, and high quality products, and will continue bringing...


Boom Products Debut Latest Shock-Proof IPhone Case Range.

 (IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 23, 2015 ) London, UK -- It often feels a shame to cover up a beautifully designed shiny new phone, especially when the curves and the slim design form part of the appeal, but with iPhones proving frail, common sense must prevail and suitable cover be sought. The challenge...


TrioSportsUSA Customer Submits Recommendation

   (IT-NEWSWIRE.COM, April 23, 2015 ) Seattle, WA -- Customers are the cornerstone of any business. TrioSportsUSA (Trio) indicates that they are able to improve by listening to their customers. A recent customer requested uncut foam for the product. Trio responded that, at this time, uncut foam...


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